THE THINGS I WOULD LIKE TO TELL MY EXES It didn’t work out and that’s just fine but if we passed each other by, I hope that you still say hi or maybe just a little smile because we were happy once upon a time. Hello, all the guys who used to be my happiness but turned into a stranger out there! How is everything? I hope you all are doing well. It’s been so long that we didn’t see each other. No worries, it’s not a big deal here. I’m still doing fine, great actually. It’s just suddenly I have an idea to write something about my past and you all inspired me. What past is past, they said. Your past is the best teacher you have. Well, I said I agree with that. It taught us something positive or negative about our history and some of the life lessons like let someone go for example, also we can learn how to be thankful for the future we have still. So if they belong to us, they will be back. If they don't, we should know there is must be someone who will love us even bette...