
Menampilkan postingan dari 2016


Wed, July 13 th 2016 STOP COMPARING YOURSELF! Do you ever  feel that you are so unlucky? Or maybe you are never happy with your life now and everything you got is not enough? You always want to live someone’s life, turn to be somebody else and start comparing yourself to others. Well, I can understand the feeling 100%. But I would readily admit that there's no good ever comes from it. Sometimes we are comparing the size of our home, p aycheck, physical features, or any other things, yes we did it all the time. I don’t know why I keep doing this, but I need to stop punishing myself instantly. Somewhere along the way, there’s must be a time when we compare our clothes, , homes, beauty, or maybe how many likes in instagram that we get with the others (girls especially). Yes, I used to spend my time worrying about what everyone else is doing and never get fulfilled to what I’ve got. Yes, I compare myself to everyone around me. No surprise if I feel envy after that. I ...

Edisi Curhatan

Catatan Harian Spesies Zikri             Ini adalah cerita teman sekelas ane. Sebut saja dia Zikir, (eh) Zikri. Sebuah spesies langka di fakultas ane, tepatnya di jurusan ane jugak, karena emang spesiesnya udah hampir punah alias udah gaadak lagi selain dia, yang kayak dia, ya cuma dia. Bahkan dia juga udah biasa kalo dijadikan kembaran – kembaran dosen yang “…” you know lah ahahaha. Dia gak bakalan marah kok. Pokoknya dia ini senenglah jadi bahan becandaan. Walaupun keseringan bikin orang marah, tapi dia ini cukup “setia kawan”. Karena kesetiakawanannya itulah makanya dia jadi jones terus, karena dia gak setia pacar. Apaan sih, jadi ngawur haha. Tapi, emang iya sih, di masalah percintaan dia emang gak pernah mujur. Jujur, setelah baca curhatan dia, ane jadi nangis nangis jambu gitu, gak tau kenapa, terbawa suasana aja. Ane jadi kayak ngebayangin kalo ane ada di posisi dia, aduh, JLEB KALI SUMPAH. Ane cuman bisa bilang, “Sabar ...


           Hello, I’m back! Happy New Year Everyone ! It’s been  a long time that I’m not writing anymore about my current life. How are you guys? I do really hope that you’re all have a great great life. Because mine is so fantastic. I wish I can tell you all the beautiful things that come to my life. I’m very grateful for the felicity that God has given to me. I can’t believe it! Oh God, thank you so much!            Livin’ around the good people is one of my happiness. My family, best friend, and that special one. Spending time with them make me feel nothing but joy. Honestly. There’s nothing I should shy for when I’m with them. Just do the crazy things together. That’s all I did. Especially for my best friend and my lover. I feel secure and they’re like my second home. I hope there’s nothing change after I wrote this and post it in my blog. Because according to my experience, I ex...